He’s a little less of a brooding boy, and a bit more of an intense lad with a bunch of energy that scowls a little too much without knowing. Sometimes he skips leg day though cuz … all that big meat in them thighs and ass >w> Arms are where it’s at. Rhodri tries to be a soft boy but… sometimes it just don’t work out. He’s exciteable, but very quick to anger. If anyone compliments his muscles, he’s more likely to open up and chat about his routine. He’s able to block/mute people he dislikes so it helps him a bit.
He has an Onlyfans account where he does post some nudes and promotes his song covers, enjoying that attention due to the fact that he can choose what he wants people to see. In all this though, getting attention that he can at least have control over helps him feel validated. He’s trying to work through it as best as he can but gets very frustrated cuz he’s ‘not over it yet’ which… isn’t easy in any regard. He dislikes the attention and has dealt with harassment/abuse when he was much younger that’s warped a lot of his perception of himself and others. Apart of his love/hate relationship with his body, the fact that he has a large ass and thunder thighs brings a lot of unwanted looks. He likes the idea of being as buff as possible so people don’t mistake him for being some dainty twink that can’t hold his own. A slight tweak to my strongest big butt boy, Rhodri >:3 All done during the month of March for Patreon!